HDI has sucessfully developed and marketed many new and innovative uses of cavitation. Through our work we have refined a process of technical development followed by identifying the best path to market for each application.
Our Innovation Process
If we consider the whole population, the first 2,5% of people represents the “innovators” and the following 13% the early users. After these two groups come the first majority (34%), the second majority called “latecomer” and, lastly, the “slow” which are the 16% of the population. An ideal SPR customer is in the 2.5% of the innovators or in the 13% of the early users.
The Four Stages of Innovation
Depending on the phase of the diffusion we take into account, every revolutionary technical development is received by the population following four stages:
1) “It’s nonsense, don’t waste my time”
2) “Oh, it’s interesting but not important”
3) “I’ve always said it was a good idea”
4) “I’ve thought it first!”
At Hydro Dynamics, Inc. we work to identify the early adopters of new technology in each industry to allow us to quickly gain a foothold in a market. We then often work with a strategic partner to quickly expand the market and make the use of cavitation technology mainstream and accepted for that application.
Our Sales and Marketing Process
Because of the vast potential of our technology we often find it best to enter a market with a strategic partner who has intimate knowledge of the area and already has established sales channels. Hydro Dynamics, Inc. has cultivated relationships with some of the major industry players to provide you seamless technical support in your location or industry.
See our Partners